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Can Apple Change A Fashion Trend?

By March 22, 2015No Comments

Most guys no longer wear wrist watches.

Apple is undertaking the gargantuan task of changing a fashion trend with its marketing efforts.


Can one company accomplish this task?

As a custom men’s clothier, it is my experience that 70% of my customers over 45 no longer wear watches daily  that % probably moves up to 90%+ for my <45 customers.

Apple is poised to try to sell against this trend, offering its new smart watches at prices from $150-$15,000.

Can they pull this off?  The closest comparable effort I can think of is Levi’s covert attempt to convince corporate America to give up formal dress attire policies in the early-mid 90’s with their “New Professionalism” campaign aimed at Fortune 1000 Human Resource Managers.  This campaign introduced us to “business casual”, “casual Fridays”, et. al.

Before Levi’s started this effort, the number of firms allowing employees to not wear suits was around 20%.  At the end of their campaign…1999…the number had declined to 49% according to the Society of Human aresource Managers.

So what does everything think?  Can Apple pull this off?


Vinnie Rua-Founder Christopher’s Custom